18th March: Have Your Say At (Y)our Townhead Proposals Workshops
Austin-Smith:Lord is currently leading a consultant team, appointed by Glasgow City Council, to prepare an Action Plan and Framework for the regeneration of Townhead.
Townhead, alongside Cowcaddens, the Learning Quarter and the Merchant City, is the focus of the current phase of (Y)our City Centre District Regeneration Frameworks, and now is the time to have your say.
Work to Date has included talking to the community and stakeholders and finding out what you think the priorities and opportunities are. From over 5,000 comments we have pulled together emerging priority projects listed below. You can check out what’s been said so far and contribute your thoughts online at https://yourcitycentre2020.commonplace.is/ and http://www.yourplacemap.org/.
How To Get Involved
Sign-up for the event on the 18 March, pick the bits that interest you most and work with the project team to develop proposals and ‘co-design’ ideas. All events are free to attend and will be held on Zoom. Session information and signup in links below;
Please feel free to share these events within your network to ensure we have as many attendees as possible. For further information on the Townhead Proposals Workshops and the other North East Districts please go to the City Centre Strategy website – https://www.glasgowcitycentrestrategy.com/city-centre-workshops