Local communities in and around Saltcoats are being invited to have their say and help shape the future of Melbourne Public Park.
Over the past 2 years several community action groups have emerged in Saltcoats, each seeking to make improvements to the town centre, shorefront area and lives of local people. More recently, these organisations have started to collaborate with more established projects under a new umbrella body called Ripple Effect: Saltcoats with a vision to make Saltcoats a thriving place that is great to live in, work in and visit.
Ripple Effect: Saltcoats’ first priority is to make Melbourne Public Park a vital community asset that not only looks great but supports its vision. Therefore, the group has Austin-Smith:Lord and their partner WAVEParticle, to undertake a Feasibility Study of the park. In scope, the study will cover the entire park site and adjoining areas. This will include consideration of the future of the redundant toilet block and any future toilet provision on site.
The consultation will provide valuable insights on what you want from the park and how that might be achieved. This could include consideration of the park as a place that promotes and enables social connection, good health and wellbeing, wildlife and nature, planting and growing, arts, enterprise, employment and connects the town centre and shore front in an effective way.
We’d be delighted if you could join us and share your thoughts at our community engagement events on and around the park on Friday 10th November from 10am-3pm and on Saturday 11th November from 11.15-3 pm. Join us at Melbourne Public Park & Melbourne Fry, 3 Winton St, KA21 5BN
Also, please also take ten minutes to complete our online community survey as another way of sharing your views. The survey can be accessed via the following link:
The survey will be open until noon on Friday 17th November.