Andrew McCafferty
BArch(Hons), DipArch ARB RIBA ARIAS
ARB registered in 1988, Andrew has over twenty nine years post qualification experience in private architectural practice in Scotland and North of England. Having joined Austin-Smith: Lord in October 2008, Andrew was promoted to Associate in January 2010, Director in 2014 and is currently Principal for the Glasgow studio.
Andrew is versatile working in most sectors – commercial, retail, industrial, education, healthcare and transportation. He is experienced in a lead consultant role, coordinating design teams, committed to project delivery and has an excellent track record in both building refurbishment and new build.
Andrew has lectured at the University of Strathclyde as part of the university’s practice management curriculum and as part of APEAS is responsible for examining RIBA part 3 candidates for professional qualification.
- AYRSHIRE HOSPICEDesign of a supportive palliative care environment for those in Ayrshire with life-limiting illness
- LIFE SCIENCES INNOVATION CENTRE, INVERNESS£9 million Life Sciences Innovation Centre in Inverness for partnering Client consortium of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).
- MIGDALE COMMUNITY HOSPITALNew-build hospital on a Greenfield site in Sutherland, design to provide treatment for elderly care
- SOUTH LANARKSHIRE COLLEGE LOW CARBON TEACHING BUILDINGFirst in the UK to achieve Outstanding rating in the BREEAM 2014 New Construction assessment process at both design and construction stage
- SPT SUBWAY MODERNISATION, GLASGOWModernisation programme comprising of Kelvinbridge, Shields Road, Cessnock and Bridge Street subway stations
- DEAFBLIND SCOTLAND LEARNING & RESOURCE CENTRECalled ‘The Field of Dreams’, this project offers deafblind people more opportunities to learn, enjoy a range of subjects, collaborate and become more familiar with the ever growing world of IT