Austin-Smith:Lord Appoints ‘Step Up To Net Zero’ Coordinator

Austin-Smith:Lord Appoints ‘Step Up To Net Zero’ Coordinator

We are delighted to welcome Sonali Patro, our recently appointed Step Up To Net Zero Coordinator, to the practice. Sonali will be supporting us in the implementation of our Net Zero Action Plan, progressing activity that supports our organisation to adopt more circular principles, improve current sustainability practices and reduce our carbon footprint. This is a vital step towards our commitment to become a Net Zero Emissions practice by 2030.

Sonali has joined us on a fully funded placement from Step Up To Net Zero. Launched just before the anniversary of COP26, Step Up to Net Zero is being delivered by Circular Glasgow, an initiative of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Glasgow City Council. It is specifically designed to help meet the city’s net zero and circular economy targets while providing employability support for Glasgow’s workforce.

Welcome to Austin-Smith:Lord, Sonali.

Chief Executive Graham Ross said “Austin-Smith:Lord are delighted to receive this vital support from Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and Circular Glasgow. It feels like a gamechanger in terms of capacity building and skills development for Net Zero businesses in Glasgow. We adopted a Net Zero Emissions by 2030 target in 2021. The support offered through the Step Up to Net Zero initiative will enable us to make substantial progress, capturing and analysing data and embedding Net Zero actions into our Business Planning.

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