Brechiners Shape The Future Of Their Town

Brechiners Shape The Future Of Their Town

Almost 300 people took part in the Brechin Design Charrette between the 4th and 7th February to help shape the future of their town.

Austin-Smith:Lord led the charrette team which also included Fergus Purdie (Architect), Douglas Wheeler Associates (Regeneration Consultants), Ryden (Property Market Advice) and Transport Planning Ltd.

The intensive 4-day consultation included workshops with local school children, a ‘futurewalk’ around the town, a traffic and transport walkabout, a workshop session for Brechin and Angus agencies,  a business and community workshop, and one-to-one discussions with the design team.

A range of exciting ideas came out of the charrette for key buildings and open spaces, including improved youth facilities for young Brechiners.

Public feedback sessions will be held on 19th February in the Damacre Centre, Brechin at 3pm and 7-30pm.

The outcomes of the charrette will provide a long-term vision, action plan and framework for the future development of Brechin.

Visit the Twitter page @BrechinTalks for photos and more information.