Design Charrettes
In addition to engagement as part of our regular design development process, Austin-Smith:Lord have led 14 design charrettes (most part-funded through the Scottish Government’s ‘Mainstreaming’ programme). This has armed us with a wealth of experience and allowed us to hone our techniques and refine our engagement methodology.
We have refined our techniques through reflective practice, adapting and adjusting them in response to specific requirements of the unique context of each local community relating the issues the age group, the numbers in attendance and the physical context of the Town itself. Our consultation techniques allow us to co-create a deliverable vision and action plan for regeneration in diverse communities.
You can view our Design Charrettes datasheet below, or by clicking here.

The commission and resultant report were delivered under significant time constraints, to a high standard, which also satisfied Scottish Government. (The report is available on both Council and Scottish Government websites). The skills employed throughout, from project plan design, initiation, pre event organisation, engagement with a range of interested parties to generate consensus on the vision by means of workshops and an on-site design studio, to report drafting, were all conducted in a collaborative, enthusiastic, and diplomatic manner.
David Duncan – Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Development), Moray Council
ASL and Graham Ross in particular performed extremely well on our Port Glasgow Charrette and Regeneration Masterplan. Their team of multi disciplinary professionals was first class and as a result we have a Masterplan Report that will become a working tool as we move forward with our priority projects.
Fiona Maguire – Physical Regeneration Service Manager, Riverside Inverclyde